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How to Crush a 24-Hour Reading Challenge with Canterbury Classics

March 16, 2024

By Christa Protano

As book lovers, we relish a good reading challenge. Whether it’s seasonal, annual, or monthly, having a set timeframe in which to consume a certain number or type of book is our idea of a good time. But have you ever considered a 24-hour read-a-thon? Sounds a little intense, right? Well, we are here to tell you it doesn’t have to be. Recently, this type of book challenge has popped up all over TikTok and I have to admit, these girls made it look super fun.

Wait—do I have to read for a full 24 hours, you might ask? The answer is no.

The point of the challenge is to engage with the online book community, tick off some titles on your TBR list, and maybe even try a new genre or two. The idea is to read as much as you can in a 24-hour period (so we suggest setting aside a weekend for this one). You can do it with a friend, on your own, or take part in an official 24-hour read-a-thon, like the one hosted by Dewey’s twice a year (the next one starts at 8 a.m. EST on April 13th so set your reminders).

Think you have the time and what it takes to complete a 24-hour book binge? Here are some tips to set you up for reading success.

Focus on Short Books
A 24-hour reading challenge is not the time to tackle something big like Les Miserables. Tailor your reading choices to shorter novels that you are more likely to finish and that won’t leave you frustrated or bored. Around 200 pages is a good goal. We recommend these Word Cloud classics to get you started.

Choose Books in Different Formats
Another benefit to choosing shorter books is that you may have the opportunity to read more than one. To that end, consider works in various formats such as graphic novels, poems, and plays that you can digest more quickly. Not only are these three classics shorter in their original form, their illustrated adaptations are an interesting (and speedy!) way to experience a literary masterpiece.

More Tips for Tackling a 24 Hour Readathon

  • Start with your most challenging read.
  • Save easy reads, like graphic novels, until the end of the challenge when you’ll most likely have less of an attention span.
  • Have plenty of snacks on hand, both the healthy kind and some not-so-healthy comfort foods.
  • Keep the caffeine and and sugar to a minimum.
  • Don’t be afraid to take breaks. Go for a walk outside, check out a book influencer’s Insta feed to see what they’re reading, or participate in a mini reading challenge.
  • Change up your reading locations throughout the day. Visit a library or coffee shop, or take your reading outdoors.
  • If you don’t like a book, its OK to DNF and move on to the next one.
  • Enlist your book bestie in the challenge. Read each other’s favorite books.
  • Have fun!  

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