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Lady Chatterley's Lover (eBook)


eBookPrint Book

$4.99 USD ($6.99 CAD)

  • Pages: 304 pp.
  • FormateBook
  • On Sale: April 1, 2013
  • ISBN 13: 9781607108610

When first published privately in Italy, in 1928, Lady Chatterly’s Lover was too risqué for readers and was considered unprintable. It wasn’t until three decades later, in 1960, that the novel could be printed openly in the United Kingdom. Much debate has gone into what constitutes erotic literature; but whether the novel was about a scandalous affair or a quest for purity, or about the class system and social conflict, one needs to read it for oneself to find the message that lies within.
* This chic and inexpensive edition comes with a heat-burnished cover, foil stamping, luxurious endpapers, and a smaller trim size that’s easy to hold.
Lady Chatterly’s Lover is a hallmark of sensual literary prose.
Lady Chatterly’s Lover will surely pique the interest and curiosity of the most discerning of readers.

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